Preliminary aerial view from the South
The Hanging Gardens of Brixham
A project to transform Brixham
A scheme which provides essential parking, housing and shops
Neil says “I believe that development companies will be keen to be involved a high quality design with over fifty flats, retail, F&B and plenty of parking
"Everybody will be thrilled and enormously proud the moment that the ribbon is cut - and everybody will want to cut it!"
Vix adds “What’s not to like? A beautiful “green-heart” smack in the middle of our vibrant fishing village in England. Beautifully designed and constructed, it will be world class - like a mini Eden-Project.
"It will be great for residents and visitors to enjoy whether old or young
"The Ugly Duckling car park will finally turned into the Elegant Swan"
Neil says “To achieve great things you have to dream big dreams"
Let's go !